Doctor Who

I decided to rewatch New Who, both in preparation for series 11 and Jodie Whittaker, who I am so excited about! (and honestly, also series 10 which I still haven't watched); as well as so I can know what the fuck I'm talking about, when my friend The Dark Avenger and I discuss Moffat Who, which we will definitely do, at some point, in some format.

So I thought it would be a good idea to do a short review of each episode for this blog. The reviews will be mostly spoiler-free, unless spoilers are absolutely necessary to discuss the episode.

There are several things I will be focusing on each time as they are relevant, and not every single one will be relevant every time. They are my overall opinion of the episode, The Doctor, the companion, side characters, the villain/ the villain's plot/general plot if there's no villain (these could be together or seperate) and the message of the episode.

Also, general spoiler warning for every episode, because I'll be talking pretty freely about them.

So here we go:

The 9th Doctor:

1.01 - Rose
1.02 - The End of the World
1.03 - The Unquiet Dead
1.04 & 1.05 - Aliens of London and World War III
1.06 - Dalek
1.07 - The Long Game
1.08 - Father's Day
1.09 & 1.10 - The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances
1.11 - Boom Town
1.12 & 1.13 - Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways
Series 1 and Nine's Run Wrap Up

The 10th Doctor: 

2.00 - The Christmas Invasion
2.01 - New Earth
2.02 - Tooth and Claw
2.03 - School Reunion
2.04 - The Girl in the Fireplace
2.05; 2.06 - Rise of the Cyberman and Age of Steel
2.07 - The Idiot's Lantern
2.08; 2.09 - The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit
2.10 - Love & Monsters
2.11 - Fear Her
2.12; 2.13 - Army of Ghosts and Doomsday

3.00 - The Runaway Bride

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