I'm not over 50 Shades.
I mean, it's still happening, isn't it? There's at least one more terrible movie to come out, if not two.
So I was wondering what I could do express my grievances with 50 Shades, of which I have a few (as seen here and here and in fact, my entire 50 Shades of Realism page).
I tried rewriting it, but honestly that's too much work and it just makes me want to write my own original BDSM erotic romance novel. Which I am, by the way. The working title is Baby, Let Me Tie You Up. I have something like 1/3 of it written and none of it is published anywhere, but you can check out my Pinterest board here.
Then maybe I could spork it - aka recap and comment? Sure, but that has already been done by Jenny Trout, Erika, Gehayi and Ket, The Snark Squad and at least a couple of others I'm not remembering. (Check them out, they're all great). And I just don't think I have anything new or original enough to add to justify my own recaps. Plus, sporking kind of makes me angry and frustrated, so I'd rather focus my energy into something creative.
But then. I thought of something different I could do. I'm calling this 50 Shades of Grey - The Second Draft.
Basically, what I do is I go over the text with a fine comb and I, uh... fix it.
I won't change anything huge in terms of plot and big character points, but I will change a lot of little things. Dialogue, dialogue tags, character actions etc, until I have a more coherent text with less misogyny, abuse, bdsm bashing and so on. I'm not editing per se - editing requires less work that what I'm doing - and it's not a rewrite either, because that requires more work than what I'm doing. It basically is a second draft. If the second draft was made by an entirely different person.
I think there's a solid three star book somewhere in 50 Shades and I'll try my best to pull it up to the surface. The results will be posted on my accounts in a3o and ff.net and linked here and all over my tumblr and twitter.
And if you want to support me in this project, you can Buy Me a Coffee.
Charlie. Writer. Sporker. She/Her. Blog about poular media and social justice.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Are Dating Preferences Bigoted?
TW: Rape mention, Rape culture
So there has been a lot of talk in social justice circles lately whether or not certain dating "preferences" such as saying you are not attracted to a whole group of people (one or another race/ethnicity, disabled folks, trans people) is due to discrimination against that group.
The short answer is, kind of. Probably, yes.
I really don't get how anyone can argue that saying, "I'm just not attracted to black people" is not racist? Black people don't all look alike! And nobody is saying you have to be attracted to every black person, but the idea that you can put all people, who only share one trait (and not even to the same degree) together and know for sure that you are not attracted to them? Can you tell the future?
The discussion becomes even more flawed, if you involve trans people and disabled people. You can't always tell who is trans and disabled and who isn't, and thinking that you can is definitely ableist/transphobic/wtv.
I mean, there's definitely cases where the particular person's predicament might not work for you and that's obviously fine.
Anyway, there's a lot of nuance here that I'm not equipped to talk about, nor do I really want to get in the nitty-gritty of this discussion, because it never ends well. That's not what I really want to talk about. Instead I want to bring up another point that I've realized over time:
So there has been a lot of talk in social justice circles lately whether or not certain dating "preferences" such as saying you are not attracted to a whole group of people (one or another race/ethnicity, disabled folks, trans people) is due to discrimination against that group.
The short answer is, kind of. Probably, yes.
I really don't get how anyone can argue that saying, "I'm just not attracted to black people" is not racist? Black people don't all look alike! And nobody is saying you have to be attracted to every black person, but the idea that you can put all people, who only share one trait (and not even to the same degree) together and know for sure that you are not attracted to them? Can you tell the future?
The discussion becomes even more flawed, if you involve trans people and disabled people. You can't always tell who is trans and disabled and who isn't, and thinking that you can is definitely ableist/transphobic/wtv.
I mean, there's definitely cases where the particular person's predicament might not work for you and that's obviously fine.
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I have always wanted to use this gif. |
Anyway, there's a lot of nuance here that I'm not equipped to talk about, nor do I really want to get in the nitty-gritty of this discussion, because it never ends well. That's not what I really want to talk about. Instead I want to bring up another point that I've realized over time:
This entire discussion is just completely irrelevant!
You can't guilt anyone into liking someone they don't like, and calling them x phobic is only going to make them defensive. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, minorities don't really want to date people who are so bigoted towards our identities or disabilities; that they will refuse to date us, strictly based on the fact that we share a trait with a wide variety of people. Basically, I'm not salivating biphobe ass, as much as it might flatter some to think that I am.
You can't guilt anyone into liking someone they don't like, and calling them x phobic is only going to make them defensive. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, minorities don't really want to date people who are so bigoted towards our identities or disabilities; that they will refuse to date us, strictly based on the fact that we share a trait with a wide variety of people. Basically, I'm not salivating biphobe ass, as much as it might flatter some to think that I am.
So really, it's a win -win! Minorities don't want to date someone who makes us feel bad about ourselves and bigots don't "have to" date anyone they deem undatable.
What I really want to talk about, is people who keep insisting on defending their right to not date a certain kind of person, without being called bigots. Because I really wonder,
Why do these people feel the need to do that?
Some try to argue that calling people out for their bigotry "rape culture." Because minorities are trying to guilt people into fucking us, which is emotional manipulation and therefore rape, right?
Sure, except most people I know, who encounter bigots that don't want to date us for an inherent trait are like "Ok, dude, whatever! I'm not gonna beg. I have too much self respect for that."
I'm sure someone can try to guilt people into being into us by calling out their bigotry... I just really doubt it will result in sex.
Also comparing minorities to rapists? Nice! Real fucking original, you guys!
Look, I'm not saying that someone from a minority can never rape anyone, that's obviously ridiculous. Even guilt tripping someone into sleeping with you? Yeah it's possible, but those cases are outliners and not a general societal problem to be addressed like some people are trying to make it out to be.
No, the big, scary sjws aren't raping the poor, innocent majority.
Secondly, you gotta wonder why do these people feel the need to tell minorities how unfuckable we are?
Look, I get it, you don't want to date trans people and you don't want to feel bad about that. But why do you feel the need to keep telling trans people that you do't want to date them? Do you have a trans person that's interested in you, but you are not interested back, or do you just like making trans people feel bad about themselves?
A lot of privileged people love to phrase this as, "oh we are just having a civil discussion, uwu! no harm in that."
Assflash, newshole: My identity is not a discussion! If you say "I don't want to date a bisexual, because all bisexuals cheat!" you aren't just having a harmless discussion, you are actively spreading biphobia. And then other people are going to see that and feel validated in their biphobia, because their favorite blogger, or YouTuber or celebrity, or even online/rl friend encouraged this "opinion."
So honestly? Keep your dating "preferences" to yourself!
You can reject the vast number of minority people who I'm sure are going to be attracted to you (hint: it's probably not going to be that many); and just shut the fuck up, my dude! Stop telling minorities how undatable and unfuckable we are. It's gross, it's bigoted, and it doesn't make you look good!
Saturday, August 12, 2017
One Direction Know About After and They Hate It! (proof)
On November 9th, 2o14 One Direction did an enhanced interrogation - uh, I mean a livestream interview to get them to say that they're totally in control of their image and career promote their fourth album, appropriately named FOUR.
It was pretty uncomfortable, but there were some silver linings. Well not for them so much, but for fans and After-haters*, at least. Such as, when they were asked about fan fiction. Which by the way is a terrible idea, generally speaking! At least pretend the fourth wall is intact, holy hell!
*I don't want to say 'antis;. There's just a very specific type of entitlement, bullying and moral panic I associate with this word, because of dear ol' Tumblr.
Anyway, After wasn't mentioned by name, but the interviewer (Ben Winston) said “some of [the fanfiction] is getting published,” and After is the only fanfic that's getting published, so.
What they had to say and in particular, how they said it, was … let’s say, noteworthy.
Here's the link, if you want to see their reactions for yourselves.
Let's break it down:
First of all, I do not believe any of them when they say they haven’t read the fanfiction. Some of them are better liars than others, but these boys are not stupid or ignorant, and they don’t shelter themselves from the fandom.
I will start with Zayn, because Ben turns to him first and his reaction is pretty easy to analyze.
Zayn says, “I can’t say I’ve ever read any of it,” then starts rubbing his eye. Touching your face when you talk is a classic sign that you are lying. And the way he looks - yeah, he’s definitely read some of it! Then, when Liam is talking Zayn says, “and what I’ve heard from Louis as well, it’s crazy, I’d never even want to read some of it.”
I buy that Zayn doesn’t go looking for fanfiction - he doesn’t seem like the type - but the way he smiles when Louis is talking about the “cute little stories” - yes, he knows of it, at least. As for After - if this is something to go by, I think we can agree he's probably not too pleased.
Now, on the other side of the couch, we have Mr. Niall Horan. What can I say about Niall, really?
Really, Niall? Really?
Poor, innocent Nialler! He doesn’t even know about Tumblr (even though Liam admitted they do go on Tumblr in another interview), Instagram (even though he has one), Wattpad and AO3. Yeah, I’m not buying it!
Then Ben mentions the Channel 4 bullshit-mentary, as some of us lovingly call it. (It did not represent the fandom fairly at all, it made it all about the scandal and it was all around extremely cringe inducing.), and Niall laughs. Suffices to say, I don’t believe Niall for a second. He finds the whole thing way too amusing for someone who doesn’t even know where to find fanfiction, you see!
Onto Harry. Here’s the thing about Harry - he is the most obvious person on Earth! He is not subtle, and more often than not he doesn't attempt to hide how he really feels. That’s why I find Harry’s answer - or non-answer - really interesting.
See, Harry talked a lot throughout the rest of the interview. He answered every question. On the fanfiction question, however - he just makes a face and fiddles with his hair and jeans. I think at some point he started saying something like “I think,” but he was interrupted by everybody else talking over him. Either way, this expression says it all. That is the face of someone who is deeply uncomfortable and is just too nice to say anything.
It also pretty much proves that Harry totally reads fanfiction - or at least, that he is more aware of it than anyone else in the band, and there’s no way he could’ve missed After, of all things. It's the most famous story in the fandom. He must have read or at least know enough about it, and he sure doesn't seem to care for it!
Finally, my favorite reactions: Liam and Louis - the masters of throwing shade!
Liam is kind of the official "spokesperson" of the band, so he is usually the most diplomatic, but even he shades Anna a little. First when Ben says, “it’s a whole different world,” Liam continues,
As for the first part of that statement, he could have been talking about anything, but the second part? Yeah, he was vagueing about After!
And then when Niall says, “I don’t even know - where do you go looking for it?” and Ben says, “Well that documentary on Channel 4;” Liam continues,
I don’t know what he’s talking about here exactly, but it's most like the graphic fan-art - probably the gay manips, because that documentary was insistent on giving everyone second-hand embarrassment.
Ben stops him then,
Even though you brought it up, asshole! Which made Liam laugh uncomfortably.
But the award for best reaction goes to Louis!
First, Ben starts with, “some of it is getting published,” and Louis just says in astonished voice,
There's absolutely no way to misinterpret that. Anna Todd is the only person getting a publishing deal and getting a "fortune" out of it.
Louis also licks his lips, looking angry and then when he is asked for a specific answer, he just looks exasperated and says,
Here, I’m getting that Louis reads fluffy fics, but the rest of it - he could be talking about After, he could be talking about tons of other stuff. Personally, I’d like to think he’s doing both.
In conclusion One Direction were asked about fan fiction and After was mentioned. They pretended they were like:
It was pretty uncomfortable, but there were some silver linings. Well not for them so much, but for fans and After-haters*, at least. Such as, when they were asked about fan fiction. Which by the way is a terrible idea, generally speaking! At least pretend the fourth wall is intact, holy hell!
*I don't want to say 'antis;. There's just a very specific type of entitlement, bullying and moral panic I associate with this word, because of dear ol' Tumblr.
Anyway, After wasn't mentioned by name, but the interviewer (Ben Winston) said “some of [the fanfiction] is getting published,” and After is the only fanfic that's getting published, so.
What they had to say and in particular, how they said it, was … let’s say, noteworthy.
Here's the link, if you want to see their reactions for yourselves.
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From left to right: Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn. |
First of all, I do not believe any of them when they say they haven’t read the fanfiction. Some of them are better liars than others, but these boys are not stupid or ignorant, and they don’t shelter themselves from the fandom.
I will start with Zayn, because Ben turns to him first and his reaction is pretty easy to analyze.
Zayn says, “I can’t say I’ve ever read any of it,” then starts rubbing his eye. Touching your face when you talk is a classic sign that you are lying. And the way he looks - yeah, he’s definitely read some of it! Then, when Liam is talking Zayn says, “and what I’ve heard from Louis as well, it’s crazy, I’d never even want to read some of it.”
I buy that Zayn doesn’t go looking for fanfiction - he doesn’t seem like the type - but the way he smiles when Louis is talking about the “cute little stories” - yes, he knows of it, at least. As for After - if this is something to go by, I think we can agree he's probably not too pleased.
Now, on the other side of the couch, we have Mr. Niall Horan. What can I say about Niall, really?
“I don’t think I’ve ever read any of it. Where do you even go looking for it? *laughs*”
Poor, innocent Nialler! He doesn’t even know about Tumblr (even though Liam admitted they do go on Tumblr in another interview), Instagram (even though he has one), Wattpad and AO3. Yeah, I’m not buying it!
Then Ben mentions the Channel 4 bullshit-mentary, as some of us lovingly call it. (It did not represent the fandom fairly at all, it made it all about the scandal and it was all around extremely cringe inducing.), and Niall laughs. Suffices to say, I don’t believe Niall for a second. He finds the whole thing way too amusing for someone who doesn’t even know where to find fanfiction, you see!
Onto Harry. Here’s the thing about Harry - he is the most obvious person on Earth! He is not subtle, and more often than not he doesn't attempt to hide how he really feels. That’s why I find Harry’s answer - or non-answer - really interesting.
See, Harry talked a lot throughout the rest of the interview. He answered every question. On the fanfiction question, however - he just makes a face and fiddles with his hair and jeans. I think at some point he started saying something like “I think,” but he was interrupted by everybody else talking over him. Either way, this expression says it all. That is the face of someone who is deeply uncomfortable and is just too nice to say anything.
It also pretty much proves that Harry totally reads fanfiction - or at least, that he is more aware of it than anyone else in the band, and there’s no way he could’ve missed After, of all things. It's the most famous story in the fandom. He must have read or at least know enough about it, and he sure doesn't seem to care for it!
Finally, my favorite reactions: Liam and Louis - the masters of throwing shade!
Liam is kind of the official "spokesperson" of the band, so he is usually the most diplomatic, but even he shades Anna a little. First when Ben says, “it’s a whole different world,” Liam continues,
“Yeah, exactly, it’s a whole different thing. But like you are saying - some of it just blows your mind and some of it is just completely off the mark. *makes a face*”
As for the first part of that statement, he could have been talking about anything, but the second part? Yeah, he was vagueing about After!
And then when Niall says, “I don’t even know - where do you go looking for it?” and Ben says, “Well that documentary on Channel 4;” Liam continues,
“You know I remember that, when I saw it on that, that documentary on Channel 4 and it just popped up and I was sat next to me dad and it’s the most awww-kward picture ever, I'm just looking at it: ‘Wow,’”
I don’t know what he’s talking about here exactly, but it's most like the graphic fan-art - probably the gay manips, because that documentary was insistent on giving everyone second-hand embarrassment.
Ben stops him then,
“Yeah, we don’t need to go there. But I know what picture you are talking about,”
Even though you brought it up, asshole! Which made Liam laugh uncomfortably.
But the award for best reaction goes to Louis!
First, Ben starts with, “some of it is getting published,” and Louis just says in astonished voice,
“This girl got a fortune, yeah, she’s getting a book deal, can you believe it?!”
There's absolutely no way to misinterpret that. Anna Todd is the only person getting a publishing deal and getting a "fortune" out of it.
Louis also licks his lips, looking angry and then when he is asked for a specific answer, he just looks exasperated and says,
“I’ve come across some [fanfiction] before on Twitter, and I think it’s utterly bizarre, some of it, to be honest. I mean some of them are-are-are like a nice little story, but some go very deep and very, very weird.”
Here, I’m getting that Louis reads fluffy fics, but the rest of it - he could be talking about After, he could be talking about tons of other stuff. Personally, I’d like to think he’s doing both.
In conclusion One Direction were asked about fan fiction and After was mentioned. They pretended they were like:
But in reality, they were like:
Rant on After and Anna Todd
There was a time I used said that I had nothing against Anna Todd as a person because she had given me no reason to feel animosity towards her, just towards her writing.
Three major things have changed since I started this project:
The first is that in late 2014 I became a One Direction fan Of course, by now (2017) I'm a bit burnt out, but that's a topic for another time. See, fandom likes its tropes. And that's all fine, I'm not going to tell anyone "you can't write that!" But the thing is the tropes they like for Harry are the whole Christian Grey-esque characterization, and Real Life Harry Styles? He is pretty much the furthest thing from that!
Harry is one of the nicest, cutest, most genuine, most loveable celebrities out there. He is the kind of guy, who wears flower crowns, supports feminism, speaks out against misogyny especially in the way female fans are treated, and enjoys bending gender norms. He is the guy who apologized to a dog for stumbling over it; the guy, who hugged a fan who stalked him than cussed at him for not saying "hi"; the guy who texted a fan's dad, when she threw her phone on the stage during the "Where We Are" Tour of 2014.
And you know, if fandom wants to portray him as an abusive stalker and borderline-rapist, that's whatever. I'm not the fandom police, I'm not going to put anyone in fandom jail. I might roll my eyes and make a rant post about it, but I don't care what other fans do, as long as it stays in the fandom.
But "staying in the fandom" is the key to it all, because Anna Todd decided to take her horrible fan fiction and publish it! She may have slightly altered the names, but it's not as if "One Direction fan fiction" wasn't plastered all over the promotional material for it. There are plenty of people who don't know what fan fiction is and that you don't have to write everyone "in character" and since they don't know much about Harry, they will read After and probably assume he is like Hardin.
The second thing is that I found out what kind of a person Anna Todd really is. Under her sweet, light and positivity facade, she is actually just your an immature coward, who blocks people in Twitter when they ask her valid questions, stalks people through their tweets to find out what the person has said about her (yet refuses to respond to it), and then passively-aggressively attacks a teenage girl, over ten years younger than her, through her own writing. She is is in her mid twenties and married.
So, after that information came to my attention, I myself sent Anna a very mild non-offensive tweet and she ignored it. A few days later, I sent her another three tweets, which she ignored again. And then I asked her why would she respond only to cutesy fangirl tweets, but not to people who have valid questions for her and I still haven't gotten an answer. She hasn’t blocked me yet, but - well, you get the point.
And the third thing is that Todd has now released a jewelry line based on After. (Yes, you read that right. She’s charging that much money for those cheap-looking things.)
So not only is she tarnishing the image of someone who is actually a really nice person, but she is actually profiting from his name and image?! Anna Todd got famous through no means of her own! The only reason people ever paid attention to her fucking awful story (which, just for the record, is clichéd, badly written, badly characterised, badly plotted, badly doing literally everything, not to mention just stuffed with problematic content) is because she used Harry’s name in the first place! And she’s not even doing a fair representation of him or anyone from One Direction!
And with that said, I have a little message to adress to some people, even if most of them won't ever see this.
To Anna Todd: Anna, girlfriend, I honestly think that your fanfic is one of the worst writers on the planet right now. But at least, as long as it’s just a fanfic, it’s not that big of a deal. You can write as badly as you want, and you can turn Harry into a jackass if that’s what gets you off. Good for you, for getting that popular! But here’s the thing: when you decide to publish something, you really need to think about it. And your decision to publish After is telling me that you are okay with profiting from Harry's name and image and that you are okay with teaching young people, especially young women that these behaviours are healthy and romantic. Frankly, my dear - you suck!
To Harry Styles: Hi, babe! I’m so sorry for this. I know it must be mortifying to to see yourself "represented" like that. This is probably is just a blip on your radar in the grand scheme of things, but I know you've struggled with image issues for a long time and this isn't helping. The new album is smashing it, loads of love and hugs! <3 p="">
To Liam Payne: Hey, babe, I'm sorry you are written as this one dimensional Mr. Goody Two-Shoes. Most of us know that while you are smart and responsible, but also funny and goofy. Strip That Down is such a bop, love it! Keep up the good work! xxx
To Zayn Malik: Zayn, my feelings for you are currently very complicated and I know some shit went down bts, but I still think you deserve better than this second-best, borderline racist and islamophobic portrayal. Good luck with your projects in the future! :)
To Niall Horan: Nialler, one day we need to sit down so you can tell me about the inspiration behind Temporary Fix. In detail. :D In all seriousness though, you are the best and you deserve so much better than... whatever this is. xxx
To Louis Tomlinson: Lou, love. There's so much I want to tell you and most of it has nothing to do with After. Unfortunately, I don't think I can cover it all in a couple of sentences. so I'll try my best not to cry and I'll just say: I'm sorry! You deserve so much better! <3 p="">
To One Direction's Legal Team: Have you guys just been twiddling your thumbs all this time? You can at least threaten to sue Anna if she doesn't stop using your clients for her promo. Or do you think After is actually good promotion?
To the 1D fans who hate After for the right reasons: I’m sorry that this is what we have to represent our fandom in the mainstream. We I know we deserve way better and have created amazing works of fanfiction that will never get the attention that this piece of crap did.
To anyone who isn’t in the One Direction fandom, but knows about After: Please do not take this story or it’s fandom as a meaningful representation of our boys, our fandom or even our fanfiction.
To all of Anna Todd’s fangirls who see no problems with her story whatsoever: I seriously hope that you see these books just as mindless entertainment aren't aspiring to find a relationship like Hessa, because I can promise you that you do not want that!
To the United Talent Agency and Anna Todd's agent: I know you are hoping to make loads of money from this, and you probably will, but the fact that you are willing to sign authors like Anna, is why many people have lost faith in the publishing industry.
To Simon & Schuster Publishing: I know business is business and I should be blaming the game not the players, but... how do you honestly sleep at night?
To the Hollywood team that may be adapting After into a movie: I have lost faith that Hollywood has any integrity whatsoever years ago, but I will say that I hope you at least try to tone down the abuse as well as Tessa's whining. And you better not try to relate this garbage to One Direction.
To the girl, who was the inspiration for Molly’s character: Honey-buns, I don’t know you, but I know Anna Todd, and you are probably a much better person. I hope you don’t care about any of her bullshit, and if you do, you shouldn’t. Here’s a cookie! *throws cookie*
And last but not least, to anyone who hates After, just because they don’t think fanfiction of any kind should be published, and that it’s a terrible story with or without One Direction: Thank you! I already like you! 3>3>
Three major things have changed since I started this project:
The first is that in late 2014 I became a One Direction fan Of course, by now (2017) I'm a bit burnt out, but that's a topic for another time. See, fandom likes its tropes. And that's all fine, I'm not going to tell anyone "you can't write that!" But the thing is the tropes they like for Harry are the whole Christian Grey-esque characterization, and Real Life Harry Styles? He is pretty much the furthest thing from that!
Harry is one of the nicest, cutest, most genuine, most loveable celebrities out there. He is the kind of guy, who wears flower crowns, supports feminism, speaks out against misogyny especially in the way female fans are treated, and enjoys bending gender norms. He is the guy who apologized to a dog for stumbling over it; the guy, who hugged a fan who stalked him than cussed at him for not saying "hi"; the guy who texted a fan's dad, when she threw her phone on the stage during the "Where We Are" Tour of 2014.
And you know, if fandom wants to portray him as an abusive stalker and borderline-rapist, that's whatever. I'm not the fandom police, I'm not going to put anyone in fandom jail. I might roll my eyes and make a rant post about it, but I don't care what other fans do, as long as it stays in the fandom.
But "staying in the fandom" is the key to it all, because Anna Todd decided to take her horrible fan fiction and publish it! She may have slightly altered the names, but it's not as if "One Direction fan fiction" wasn't plastered all over the promotional material for it. There are plenty of people who don't know what fan fiction is and that you don't have to write everyone "in character" and since they don't know much about Harry, they will read After and probably assume he is like Hardin.
The second thing is that I found out what kind of a person Anna Todd really is. Under her sweet, light and positivity facade, she is actually just your an immature coward, who blocks people in Twitter when they ask her valid questions, stalks people through their tweets to find out what the person has said about her (yet refuses to respond to it), and then passively-aggressively attacks a teenage girl, over ten years younger than her, through her own writing. She is is in her mid twenties and married.
So, after that information came to my attention, I myself sent Anna a very mild non-offensive tweet and she ignored it. A few days later, I sent her another three tweets, which she ignored again. And then I asked her why would she respond only to cutesy fangirl tweets, but not to people who have valid questions for her and I still haven't gotten an answer. She hasn’t blocked me yet, but - well, you get the point.
And the third thing is that Todd has now released a jewelry line based on After. (Yes, you read that right. She’s charging that much money for those cheap-looking things.)
So not only is she tarnishing the image of someone who is actually a really nice person, but she is actually profiting from his name and image?! Anna Todd got famous through no means of her own! The only reason people ever paid attention to her fucking awful story (which, just for the record, is clichéd, badly written, badly characterised, badly plotted, badly doing literally everything, not to mention just stuffed with problematic content) is because she used Harry’s name in the first place! And she’s not even doing a fair representation of him or anyone from One Direction!
And with that said, I have a little message to adress to some people, even if most of them won't ever see this.
To Anna Todd: Anna, girlfriend, I honestly think that your fanfic is one of the worst writers on the planet right now. But at least, as long as it’s just a fanfic, it’s not that big of a deal. You can write as badly as you want, and you can turn Harry into a jackass if that’s what gets you off. Good for you, for getting that popular! But here’s the thing: when you decide to publish something, you really need to think about it. And your decision to publish After is telling me that you are okay with profiting from Harry's name and image and that you are okay with teaching young people, especially young women that these behaviours are healthy and romantic. Frankly, my dear - you suck!
To Harry Styles: Hi, babe! I’m so sorry for this. I know it must be mortifying to to see yourself "represented" like that. This is probably is just a blip on your radar in the grand scheme of things, but I know you've struggled with image issues for a long time and this isn't helping. The new album is smashing it, loads of love and hugs! <3 p="">
To Liam Payne: Hey, babe, I'm sorry you are written as this one dimensional Mr. Goody Two-Shoes. Most of us know that while you are smart and responsible, but also funny and goofy. Strip That Down is such a bop, love it! Keep up the good work! xxx
To Zayn Malik: Zayn, my feelings for you are currently very complicated and I know some shit went down bts, but I still think you deserve better than this second-best, borderline racist and islamophobic portrayal. Good luck with your projects in the future! :)
To Niall Horan: Nialler, one day we need to sit down so you can tell me about the inspiration behind Temporary Fix. In detail. :D In all seriousness though, you are the best and you deserve so much better than... whatever this is. xxx
To Louis Tomlinson: Lou, love. There's so much I want to tell you and most of it has nothing to do with After. Unfortunately, I don't think I can cover it all in a couple of sentences. so I'll try my best not to cry and I'll just say: I'm sorry! You deserve so much better! <3 p="">
To One Direction's Legal Team: Have you guys just been twiddling your thumbs all this time? You can at least threaten to sue Anna if she doesn't stop using your clients for her promo. Or do you think After is actually good promotion?
To the 1D fans who hate After for the right reasons: I’m sorry that this is what we have to represent our fandom in the mainstream. We I know we deserve way better and have created amazing works of fanfiction that will never get the attention that this piece of crap did.
To anyone who isn’t in the One Direction fandom, but knows about After: Please do not take this story or it’s fandom as a meaningful representation of our boys, our fandom or even our fanfiction.
To all of Anna Todd’s fangirls who see no problems with her story whatsoever: I seriously hope that you see these books just as mindless entertainment aren't aspiring to find a relationship like Hessa, because I can promise you that you do not want that!
To the United Talent Agency and Anna Todd's agent: I know you are hoping to make loads of money from this, and you probably will, but the fact that you are willing to sign authors like Anna, is why many people have lost faith in the publishing industry.
To Simon & Schuster Publishing: I know business is business and I should be blaming the game not the players, but... how do you honestly sleep at night?
To the Hollywood team that may be adapting After into a movie: I have lost faith that Hollywood has any integrity whatsoever years ago, but I will say that I hope you at least try to tone down the abuse as well as Tessa's whining. And you better not try to relate this garbage to One Direction.
To the girl, who was the inspiration for Molly’s character: Honey-buns, I don’t know you, but I know Anna Todd, and you are probably a much better person. I hope you don’t care about any of her bullshit, and if you do, you shouldn’t. Here’s a cookie! *throws cookie*
And last but not least, to anyone who hates After, just because they don’t think fanfiction of any kind should be published, and that it’s a terrible story with or without One Direction: Thank you! I already like you! 3>3>
Romanticizing the Normal Life
If there's one thrope that I really can't stand - second only to miscommunication - is characters with cool and interesting lives dreaming that they were married with kids and having a 9 to 5 job.
In a sense, I can see where this comes from. Sometimes you need a break. Fighting monsters can sound kind of cool, but sleeping for four hours a night - if even that - and running only on your anxiety and PTSD, certainly does not.
But what's funny is that the one time Sam and Dean were given the opportunity to be just normal everyday dudes, they immediately found each other and went back to monster-hunting. So it's clearly not possible for them to do that.
But here's what I don't understand: why can't they combine the two? Why can't they have a partner who is also hunter? It's kind of like the bisexuality thing. Just because you have to hunt monsters doesn't mean you can't have a family? To this day I haven't heard a good argument about this.
"They want to stop being hunters!"
Yeah, but they can't! Haven't you been watching the show? That's the entire point! They are too good of people to just stop fighting evil. And even when they have been given the opportunity, their instincts brought them back to hunting.
"But all the hunters couples we've seen have died! They don't want for their partners to die!"
Sure, and what's the alternative? Knowing that the supernatural exists and not being able to fight it at all? Not knowing about it and not having any way to defend yourself when it targets you? Having to constantly worry about your partner and possible kids, instead of knowing they can fend for themselves? Having to keep secrets from them?
I think my perfect Supernatural ending would be Sam and Dean settling down withCas and whoever Sam ends up with someone, and heading off to their next adventure.
In a sense, I can see where this comes from. Sometimes you need a break. Fighting monsters can sound kind of cool, but sleeping for four hours a night - if even that - and running only on your anxiety and PTSD, certainly does not.
But what's funny is that the one time Sam and Dean were given the opportunity to be just normal everyday dudes, they immediately found each other and went back to monster-hunting. So it's clearly not possible for them to do that.
But here's what I don't understand: why can't they combine the two? Why can't they have a partner who is also hunter? It's kind of like the bisexuality thing. Just because you have to hunt monsters doesn't mean you can't have a family? To this day I haven't heard a good argument about this.
"They want to stop being hunters!"
Yeah, but they can't! Haven't you been watching the show? That's the entire point! They are too good of people to just stop fighting evil. And even when they have been given the opportunity, their instincts brought them back to hunting.
"But all the hunters couples we've seen have died! They don't want for their partners to die!"
Sure, and what's the alternative? Knowing that the supernatural exists and not being able to fight it at all? Not knowing about it and not having any way to defend yourself when it targets you? Having to constantly worry about your partner and possible kids, instead of knowing they can fend for themselves? Having to keep secrets from them?
I think my perfect Supernatural ending would be Sam and Dean settling down with
Crobby and Bicuriosity
Supernatural has a long and unfortunate history of queerbaiting fans and sadly, I think Crobby is part of that. As much as I enjoyed shipping it for three hot seconds, I have to admit that straight writers using queer sexuality as a "joke" to say that they are not homophobic, is a trope I didn't used to mind, but I have grown to hate more and more over time
For one thing, it's still homophobic. Not overtly so, but the homophobia stems from the fact that's only okay to use gayness as a joke, while not actually creating any representation for queer folks. It's the "this character who is not gay, kisses a guy, haha! but he is t totally not gay, you guys!" thing that was quite popular during the 11th Doctor's run. Secondly, it's biphobic, because it erases bi/pan sexuality. We get it, he likes women! But did you know... liking women doesn't necessarily mean one can't also like men?
Anyway, back to Supernatural. As always, what's not canon is way more interesting than what is.
Bobby had to kiss Crowley. He pretended he was offended, but seemed to have enjoyed it and even used tongue.
So what does that make Bobby? Well, identity politics are a complicated subject, but I will say as much: he does at least seem bicurious.
See, men and women (and non binary people) experience biphobia in different ways. While bisexual women are often fetishized by straight media and told they will end up with men, bisexual men are told they are lesser men, and often have their attraction to women erased. Because everyone who can possibly be attracted to men, can only be attracted to men. But the reality of the situation is that bisexuals vastly outnumber gay people, and if all bisexuals came out, we'd outnumber straight people too.
This of course, opens a lot of possibilities, Since Bobby was John's friend did he maybe have some feelings for John? Does he think of Dean and Sam as his sons, because in a sense they are? Why does he only feel comfortable expressing is bi-curiosity in a situation where he is "forced" into it? Does Bobby have some submissive tendencies as well as bisexual ones? Does the fact that Crowley is a demon say something about him being able to bring Bobby's bicuriosity? Are the writers implying queer sexuality is evil? Doesn't this contradict how disasterous all hetrosexual relationships in Supernatural are?
All of these are interesting questions that we'll probably never get an answer to, because this Supernatural. The straighest-bi show ever. Also, I seem to be one of three people who care about this ship. Oh, well.
For one thing, it's still homophobic. Not overtly so, but the homophobia stems from the fact that's only okay to use gayness as a joke, while not actually creating any representation for queer folks. It's the "this character who is not gay, kisses a guy, haha! but he is t totally not gay, you guys!" thing that was quite popular during the 11th Doctor's run. Secondly, it's biphobic, because it erases bi/pan sexuality. We get it, he likes women! But did you know... liking women doesn't necessarily mean one can't also like men?
Anyway, back to Supernatural. As always, what's not canon is way more interesting than what is.
Bobby had to kiss Crowley. He pretended he was offended, but seemed to have enjoyed it and even used tongue.
So what does that make Bobby? Well, identity politics are a complicated subject, but I will say as much: he does at least seem bicurious.
See, men and women (and non binary people) experience biphobia in different ways. While bisexual women are often fetishized by straight media and told they will end up with men, bisexual men are told they are lesser men, and often have their attraction to women erased. Because everyone who can possibly be attracted to men, can only be attracted to men. But the reality of the situation is that bisexuals vastly outnumber gay people, and if all bisexuals came out, we'd outnumber straight people too.
This of course, opens a lot of possibilities, Since Bobby was John's friend did he maybe have some feelings for John? Does he think of Dean and Sam as his sons, because in a sense they are? Why does he only feel comfortable expressing is bi-curiosity in a situation where he is "forced" into it? Does Bobby have some submissive tendencies as well as bisexual ones? Does the fact that Crowley is a demon say something about him being able to bring Bobby's bicuriosity? Are the writers implying queer sexuality is evil? Doesn't this contradict how disasterous all hetrosexual relationships in Supernatural are?
All of these are interesting questions that we'll probably never get an answer to, because this Supernatural. The straighest-bi show ever. Also, I seem to be one of three people who care about this ship. Oh, well.
25 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than 50 Shades
Oh, don't get me wrong, Twilight is horrendous. But at least it's not 50 Shades.
1. Twilight is unintentionally hilarious. 50 Shades is either dull or aggravating.
"Aren't you hungry?" he asked.
"No," I didn't want to mention that my stomach was already full - full of butterflies."
2. This one is going to hurt, but... Twilight has a somewhat, coherent, sensible, plot, which actually affects the characters and their relationship.
Yes, it's not very smart plot, and it goes away almost as soon as it shows up, but at least it's there... kind of. 50 Shades on the other hand is just filled with over-the-top drama and villains that in the don't really affect Ana and Christian and the inner conflict is finished by the end of book 2.
3. Stephenie Meyer doesn't hate her protagonists.
SM's writing sure has some... unfortunate implications, to put it mildly, but she does openly hate her Native American characters. Jacob in particular is pretty nice and likable character, at least in the beginning. James on the other hand goes out of her way to make sure that José is stereotypically brown Hispanic, and then has him almost date-rape Ana in chapter 3, to make sure that we don't like him and he is no competition for Grey (even though Grey is much worse).
4. Twilight has a, er... philosophy?!
There are... ideas in Twilight. Badly portrayed and underdeveloped ideas for sure, but ideas nonetheless. 50 Shades just has "kinky people are fucked up" and "being rich is cool." Thanks for that, ELJ!
5. Twilight doesn't (completely) gloss over scenes without Edward in them.
Maybe the first book does, but later on we get some really cool scenes with the werewolves and the other vampires and even a few "human" scenes. Jacob even becomes the narrator for a little while and we get to learn more about the werewolf-pack dynamics. 50 Shades on the other hand, feels that if Christian isn't in the picture, we don't care, when in reality I spend every moment wishing he would go away.
6. Internal conflict
Yeah, yeah, everyone knew that Bella will end up with Edward. But Jacob was still a very viable option, what he offered was tempting, even if just for a moment. And the whole human/vampire thing kind of presented a problem for the main pairing (only kind of). Christian has no romantic rivals, since Ana never likes anyone else (unless you count Kate, but unfortunately, I don't think we can) and the only conflict the books present is that Ana doesn't like pain. Which they later "overcome", because he stops beating her. Progress?
7. Twilight has the Volturi.
Self-explanatory. Moving on:
8. Edward has companions. Christian doesn't.
Edward has a family. How much he enjoys their company is debatable, but at least we are supposed to think he likes them. Christian has a brother and sister he seems to actively dislike and his only friend is the woman who molested him as a young teenager.
9. The dad.
Charlie was amazing. I wish he'd gotten the treatment he deserved. Ray was... in two scenes and then in a coma. Umm...
10. The mom.'
Renee might have been absent-minded and flighty, but she was also sweet and caring. When Christian shows up in Georgia, Carla basically tells Ana to go fuck him, while they were spending time together (filing this under: "conversations that will never happen") instead of: "He followed you to Georgia without your invitation or knowledge, after you specifically told him you want time away?! Ana, honey, call the cops, call them now!"
11. No tedious email-exchanges in Twilight.
Twilight may have felt like it was happening more in the early 90s than the beginning of the 21st century, but at least it didn't treat us to incredibly long and dull email-exchanges with incredibly long TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:, unlike those other books.
12. "This is the skin of a killer, Bella!" *sparkles*
Nothing, absolutely nothing in the entire universe can ever top this moment!
13. 50 Shades is actively homophobic, Twilight just pretends LGBTQ+ people don't exist.
Obviously neither alternative is great, but if I had to pick whether to be ignored by mainstream media; or being told that it's better to be an abusive asshole than to be gay or that my sexuality would be a "deal breaker" in a relationship (what Ana says about Kate, when Christian implies Elliot is bisexual); I would definitely pick the first option.
14. The ending.
Yes the ending of Twilight is pretty cheesy and it doesn't actually tie up the loose ending of the Volturi, but at least it doesn't read like the fever dream Ana has after Christian finally murders her.
15. Stephanie Meyer was passionate about her story until the end. James hated it by the time the third book came around.
Sure, Breaking Dawn was an epic failure even by Twilight standards, because SMeyer wrote it as the sequel of Twilight and didn't change it enough to account for New Moon and Eclipse, but at least it didn't read like she was being forced into writing it.
16. Twilight inspired literacy.
Twilight came in the perfect time after the Harry Potter phenomenon was dying out and inspired teens and tweens to read (hopefully better) books. 50 Shades just inspired vanilla people into thinking they are suddenly incredibly risqué now and overran kinky communities with uneducated fake subs and abusers looking for an easy victim.*
17. Bella doesn't feel the compulsive need to always be the prettiest girl in the room.
Sure she's a lot more vain than SM likes to pretend, but at least she doesn't feel an almost compulsive need to compare herself to any other woman in the room, even in a situation where people are worried and looking good isn't the first thing on their minds.
18. Vampire baseball
Second only to "skin of a killer!" Sorry, 50 Shades, no way you can top that!
19. The beta couples
We may not get to see too much of Jasper/Alice or Rosalie/Emmett, but we certainly get a lot more than anything about Kate/Elliot and Mia/Ethan in 50 Shades. And the only reason why Mia starts dating Ethan, and Kate starts dating Elliot in the first place, is because they were based off on characters who were together in Twilight
20. Edward isn't entirely unrealistic (for a vampire). Christian is.
Edward often acts and talks out of his time; he knows a lot more than an actual 17-year-old; his reaction(s) to Bella make sense etc. Christian left college to start a business; manages to become richer than Bill Gates in less than ten years; yet constantly blows off work to go to a near town and stalk a girl; responds to personal emails instantly; goes on long vacations and all in all... never really seems to work.
21. Bella fights for what she wants (sort of). Ana doesn't.
Bella wants to be a vampire and she'll do anything to get it. Sure, that doesn't always portray her in the best light, but at least she is not a complete pushover.
22. Bella and Edward have things in common (sort of). Christian and Ana, have nothing, except sex.
Bella and Edward like dull music, "classic literature," and talking about supernatural stuff. If Ana and Christian stopped banging for ten seconds they will quickly realise they have absolutely no common interests or hobbies.
23. Bella actually bonds with the Cullens. Ana just sort of... tolerates the Greys.
Bella likes the Cullens and they like her back. Ana is neutral towards his parents, tolerates his siblings and doesn't much care for his grandparents.
24. The names
Bella Swan and Edward Cullen might be pretentious and self-indulgent names, but at least they sound like actual names. WTF is Anastasia Rose Steele?
25. Potential for sequels about other characters
Edward and Bella's story is definitely finished, but there are plenty of other characters, whose stories can be told in Twilight. Unless someone writes the secret bisexual adventures of of Elliot and Kate (because they are both definitely bi!), I don't think there's much more to be explored in the 50 Shades universe.
*I want to make it extremely clear I'm very supportive of anyone who discovered they are kinky through 50 Shades. I sort of did, in a way. What I'm referring to, is people who come to kink with a lot of uneducated opinions and under the delusion that kink in real life works like it does in 50 Shades. These people usually aren't even actually kinky, and just end up putting themselves and others in danger.
1. Twilight is unintentionally hilarious. 50 Shades is either dull or aggravating.
"Aren't you hungry?" he asked.
"No," I didn't want to mention that my stomach was already full - full of butterflies."
2. This one is going to hurt, but... Twilight has a somewhat, coherent, sensible, plot, which actually affects the characters and their relationship.
Yes, it's not very smart plot, and it goes away almost as soon as it shows up, but at least it's there... kind of. 50 Shades on the other hand is just filled with over-the-top drama and villains that in the don't really affect Ana and Christian and the inner conflict is finished by the end of book 2.
3. Stephenie Meyer doesn't hate her protagonists.
SM's writing sure has some... unfortunate implications, to put it mildly, but she does openly hate her Native American characters. Jacob in particular is pretty nice and likable character, at least in the beginning. James on the other hand goes out of her way to make sure that José is stereotypically brown Hispanic, and then has him almost date-rape Ana in chapter 3, to make sure that we don't like him and he is no competition for Grey (even though Grey is much worse).
4. Twilight has a, er... philosophy?!
There are... ideas in Twilight. Badly portrayed and underdeveloped ideas for sure, but ideas nonetheless. 50 Shades just has "kinky people are fucked up" and "being rich is cool." Thanks for that, ELJ!
5. Twilight doesn't (completely) gloss over scenes without Edward in them.
Maybe the first book does, but later on we get some really cool scenes with the werewolves and the other vampires and even a few "human" scenes. Jacob even becomes the narrator for a little while and we get to learn more about the werewolf-pack dynamics. 50 Shades on the other hand, feels that if Christian isn't in the picture, we don't care, when in reality I spend every moment wishing he would go away.
6. Internal conflict
Yeah, yeah, everyone knew that Bella will end up with Edward. But Jacob was still a very viable option, what he offered was tempting, even if just for a moment. And the whole human/vampire thing kind of presented a problem for the main pairing (only kind of). Christian has no romantic rivals, since Ana never likes anyone else (unless you count Kate, but unfortunately, I don't think we can) and the only conflict the books present is that Ana doesn't like pain. Which they later "overcome", because he stops beating her. Progress?
7. Twilight has the Volturi.
Self-explanatory. Moving on:
8. Edward has companions. Christian doesn't.
Edward has a family. How much he enjoys their company is debatable, but at least we are supposed to think he likes them. Christian has a brother and sister he seems to actively dislike and his only friend is the woman who molested him as a young teenager.
9. The dad.
Charlie was amazing. I wish he'd gotten the treatment he deserved. Ray was... in two scenes and then in a coma. Umm...
10. The mom.'
Renee might have been absent-minded and flighty, but she was also sweet and caring. When Christian shows up in Georgia, Carla basically tells Ana to go fuck him, while they were spending time together (filing this under: "conversations that will never happen") instead of: "He followed you to Georgia without your invitation or knowledge, after you specifically told him you want time away?! Ana, honey, call the cops, call them now!"
11. No tedious email-exchanges in Twilight.
Twilight may have felt like it was happening more in the early 90s than the beginning of the 21st century, but at least it didn't treat us to incredibly long and dull email-exchanges with incredibly long TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:, unlike those other books.
12. "This is the skin of a killer, Bella!" *sparkles*
Nothing, absolutely nothing in the entire universe can ever top this moment!
13. 50 Shades is actively homophobic, Twilight just pretends LGBTQ+ people don't exist.
Obviously neither alternative is great, but if I had to pick whether to be ignored by mainstream media; or being told that it's better to be an abusive asshole than to be gay or that my sexuality would be a "deal breaker" in a relationship (what Ana says about Kate, when Christian implies Elliot is bisexual); I would definitely pick the first option.
14. The ending.
Yes the ending of Twilight is pretty cheesy and it doesn't actually tie up the loose ending of the Volturi, but at least it doesn't read like the fever dream Ana has after Christian finally murders her.
15. Stephanie Meyer was passionate about her story until the end. James hated it by the time the third book came around.
Sure, Breaking Dawn was an epic failure even by Twilight standards, because SMeyer wrote it as the sequel of Twilight and didn't change it enough to account for New Moon and Eclipse, but at least it didn't read like she was being forced into writing it.
16. Twilight inspired literacy.
Twilight came in the perfect time after the Harry Potter phenomenon was dying out and inspired teens and tweens to read (hopefully better) books. 50 Shades just inspired vanilla people into thinking they are suddenly incredibly risqué now and overran kinky communities with uneducated fake subs and abusers looking for an easy victim.*
17. Bella doesn't feel the compulsive need to always be the prettiest girl in the room.
Sure she's a lot more vain than SM likes to pretend, but at least she doesn't feel an almost compulsive need to compare herself to any other woman in the room, even in a situation where people are worried and looking good isn't the first thing on their minds.
18. Vampire baseball
Second only to "skin of a killer!" Sorry, 50 Shades, no way you can top that!
19. The beta couples
We may not get to see too much of Jasper/Alice or Rosalie/Emmett, but we certainly get a lot more than anything about Kate/Elliot and Mia/Ethan in 50 Shades. And the only reason why Mia starts dating Ethan, and Kate starts dating Elliot in the first place, is because they were based off on characters who were together in Twilight
20. Edward isn't entirely unrealistic (for a vampire). Christian is.
Edward often acts and talks out of his time; he knows a lot more than an actual 17-year-old; his reaction(s) to Bella make sense etc. Christian left college to start a business; manages to become richer than Bill Gates in less than ten years; yet constantly blows off work to go to a near town and stalk a girl; responds to personal emails instantly; goes on long vacations and all in all... never really seems to work.
21. Bella fights for what she wants (sort of). Ana doesn't.
Bella wants to be a vampire and she'll do anything to get it. Sure, that doesn't always portray her in the best light, but at least she is not a complete pushover.
22. Bella and Edward have things in common (sort of). Christian and Ana, have nothing, except sex.
Bella and Edward like dull music, "classic literature," and talking about supernatural stuff. If Ana and Christian stopped banging for ten seconds they will quickly realise they have absolutely no common interests or hobbies.
23. Bella actually bonds with the Cullens. Ana just sort of... tolerates the Greys.
Bella likes the Cullens and they like her back. Ana is neutral towards his parents, tolerates his siblings and doesn't much care for his grandparents.
24. The names
Bella Swan and Edward Cullen might be pretentious and self-indulgent names, but at least they sound like actual names. WTF is Anastasia Rose Steele?
25. Potential for sequels about other characters
Edward and Bella's story is definitely finished, but there are plenty of other characters, whose stories can be told in Twilight. Unless someone writes the secret bisexual adventures of of Elliot and Kate (because they are both definitely bi!), I don't think there's much more to be explored in the 50 Shades universe.
*I want to make it extremely clear I'm very supportive of anyone who discovered they are kinky through 50 Shades. I sort of did, in a way. What I'm referring to, is people who come to kink with a lot of uneducated opinions and under the delusion that kink in real life works like it does in 50 Shades. These people usually aren't even actually kinky, and just end up putting themselves and others in danger.
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